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Pubs, restaurants and bars grow sales in February but battle soaring costs

Published:  21 March, 2023

February sales at Britain’s leading managed restaurant, pub and bar groups were 3.9% ahead of last year on a like-for-like basis, the latest Coffer CGA Business Tracker has revealed.


Costs crisis wipes out hospitality's growth despite an increase in October sales

Published:  16 November, 2022

October sales at Britain’s top managed restaurant, pub and bar groups were 1.5% ahead of the levels of October 2021, CGA has revealed.


Managed groups' like-for-like sales flat in May as cost crisis deepens

Published:  17 June, 2022

Like-for-like sales at Britain’s leading managed restaurant, pub and bar groups in May were just 0.1% ahead of the pre-Covid-19 levels of 2019, the latest Coffer CGA Business Tracker reveals.